
Here you find an overview of all our upcoming activities. You can subscribe via the GEWIS website!

Past Activities

An impression of the activities we have organized in the past.

Line Dancing Party

27-02-2024 We organized a Line Dance Party for GEWISers at Spijker! Everyone showed some awesome dance moves and their cowboy hats. Yeehaw!

Hot Ones!

27-02-2024We created our own version of Hot Ones for GEWIS! We made our own sauce, acompanied by snacks and coctails! Each round came with some spicy questions to make it more "buiten de doos"!

(Re)productive Pottery

09-10-2023 On the day of our dies we held a (Re)productive Pottery activity with the help of sexologists Anouk and Hedwig. Hopefully everybody learned something new and enjoyed the evening!


15-09-2023 At the FLUP, we were present with our fingerpainting activity!

Introduction Week 2023

28-08-2023 During the introduction week, we were present at the campus tour of GEWIS with our challenging game: blindfolded musical chairs! It seemed like the kiddos had a lot of fun playing it ð???

Amsterdam Canal Parade

05-08-2023 With GEWIS we celebrated pride at the Amsterdam canal parade! It was a lot of fun :) and we saw so many fun boats and outfits! After the parade we celebrated further at the many parties in the city!